Home Icon Community Services Advisory Board

To make recommendations to the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners regarding matters related to human services for low and moderate income residents; to recommend to the commissioners recipients for federal funds made available to Jefferson, Park and Teller counties from the Community Services Block Grant and similar grants; and to serve as liaison for the Board of County Commissioners and the Human Services Department to the communities of Jefferson, Park and Teller counties on issues related to human services.


Board Information

Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month.

Jefferson County Human Services
Lauren Bernstein, Community Development Supervisor
3500 Illinois Street, Suite 1600
Golden, CO 80401

(303) 378-5128

Consists of a minimum of nine members.  One member must represents Park County. Additionally, members must represent different segments of the community, of which one-third of the members represent low-income individuals and families. 

Review training documents to learn about the Community Services Block Grant and the grant process.

Attend additional training sessions as needed to learn more about human services issues.

Attend monthly meetings.

Attend additional meetings during grant selection process. Be prepared for each meeting by reading board packet prior to board meeting.

Bring board packet to each meeting.

Notify Community Development staff in advance if you will be absent, will be late, or need to leave early for any board meeting.

Be on time for each board meeting.

Plan to attend entire meeting.

Review applications for federal funds and recommend to the county commissioners recipients for the funds.

Participate at meetings by serving on ad hoc committees, working on special projects.

Assist in the development of strategic plans to address human services needs for low and moderate income people within the county.

Name Position Term Start Term End Status Appointed By
Brand, Angie Private Sector Representative 30 Sep 2022 30 Sep 2024 Expiring BCC
Hackett, Charleen County Representative 30 Sep 2024 01 Jan 2200 Active
Lowry, Kathy County Representative 30 Sep 2023 01 Jan 2200 Active
Mullins, Donna Low-Income Community Representative 30 Sep 2023 29 Sep 2025 Active BCC
Pries, Robert Low-Income Community Representative 28 Sep 2023 27 Sep 2025 Active BCC
Spurgin, Krista Private Sector Representative 30 Sep 2022 30 Sep 2024 Expiring BCC
Taylor, Mary Low-Income Community Representative 28 Sep 2023 27 Sep 2025 Active BCC
Walowitz, Laurie Low-Income Community Representative 23 Sep 2023 22 Sep 2025 Active BCC
Walton, Susie County Representative 30 Sep 2019 01 Jan 2200 Active
Zellner, Kaethe Private Sector Representative 30 Sep 2023 29 Sep 2025 Active BCC